
Thursday, February 16, 2012

How To Secure Wifi Connection

Wifi stands for Wireless Fidelity. Most of the people rush through while setting up their wifi connection without thinking about the security of their wifi connection. It is quite understandable that they want to connect to Internet as quickly as possible and Moreover securing a wifi network is a bit tricky for most of the people so they give up their hopes quite early and leave their wifi network unsecured. Their are several loopholes through which your unsecured wireless connection can be easily hacked. So In this post you will know how to secure your wifi network with simple steps.

If your wireless network has been hacked or accessed by somebody else then it may lead to complete usage of your data if you have a limited data plan or worse it may lead to extra charges on you. Even if you have unlimited data plan then also you will get less speed if your wifi has been hacked.

The step by step guide given below summarize all the necessary steps you should take for securing your wifi network.

1. Change Default Administrator Passwords (and Usernames)

Whenever you purchase a new moden or new connection then you are required to configure your modem. The modem configuration page can be accessed by entering a username and password for protecting it from unauthorized access. By default the usernames that most of the modem companies use are admin or administrator and the default password that is used is password, public, admin or some other simple word. So change your usename and password as soon as you setup your modem because these username and password combinations are known by most of the hacker .

2. Turn on (Compatible) WPA / WEP Encryption

Most of the modern modems allows both wpa and wep for securing your wifi. Applying these keys will not only encrypt your wifi network connection but it will also apply authentication. you should select the strongest encryption to secure your wifi network.

3. Enable MAC Address Filtering

Mac addresses are also known as physical address of a computer.Mac address is unique address of a computer and it is static and cannot be changed. So your router can be configured to connect to only to those devices whose MAC address match to the home devices. It will secure your wifi connection by just allowing the home devices to connect to it.

4. Enable Firewalls On Each Computer and the Router

Most of the modern routers come with a inbuilt firewall capability to secure your wifi network. Make sure that your router firewall is turned on if your router has one. On the other hand you can also use firewall in your computers. They provide an extra and a strong layer of protection to secure your wifi connection from hackers or network attackers.

5. Position the Router or Access Point Safely

A small leakage of wifi signal from home to the outside cannot be stopped but the leakage of the signal can be minised to a greater extent by just changing the direction of your antenna of the router. Never place your router near windows instead try to place it in the center of the house. You will get best quality of wifi signal through out home with less leakage of wifi signal to the outer world.

6. Turn Off the Network During Extended Periods of Non-Use

Turn of the router when it is not used. It will secure your wifi connection by giving out less access time to hackers to your wifi network and it will be difficult for them to hack in short period of time. Moreover it will be saving your electricity which will be a secondary advantage for you.

Bypass Firewall At School, College Or Office With UtraSurf

Is Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo blocked on your school, college or office? Then dont worry I have a solution for you that will not only unblock all the websites that have been blocked but also make your internet surfing anonymous so that nobody can trace your orignal ip address. As you know that most of the proxy websites are blocked with your school, college or office firewall and even if you find some new proxies they even them block them out. So why not to move something that is almost a permanent solution.

We will be using a very small and free software called ultrasurf. It will not only allow you to surf blocked websites but it will also give you freedom to stream videos, download and upload files.

Now Here is the step by step tutorial Bypass Firewall At School, College Or Office With UtraSurf

  1. First you need to Download Ultrasurf. Click here to download ultrasurf
  2. You will get a zipped file with a .exe file in it. Click on it
  3. It will start ultra surf and automatically connect to its server.
  4. Even it will open your Internet explorer automatically. Now you can have an unblocked and secure to internet.
  5. If you want to use ultrasurf with you need to download the firefox plugin also. You can download firefox plugin by clicking here

If you are connected to internet through a proxy server then ultrasurf will detect it. If somehow it does not detect the proxy server then you can manually enter your proxy server

To manually enter proxy server

Click on Option > Proxy Setting > Manual Proxy Settings

Note:- If you want to use ultrasurf with other applications you need to configure them to use ultrasurf as their proxy client. The Proxy IP address is and the Port is 9666.

Difference Between Virus, Worms, Trojan and Spyware

We all have heard the terms Virus, Worms, trojans and spyware but only a few of us know the difference between them. We genreally consider everything that is detected by an antivirus as virus but this is not the case. The antivirus not only provides protection against viruses but it also protects us from trojans, worms and spywares. All these can be harmful to your computer hardware and software. Today I will differentiate all these terms from each other .

Ok lets start from the introduction of viruses

Virus :- A virus is a self replicating program that attaches itself to an executable file. When the file is executed the virus automatically gets executed and enters into system memory. Once it enters into system memory it either searches for other files that can be infected or stays in the background and infect the files that are uses the virus infected program.

Worms :- Worms are very similar to viruses but differ in way that they do not bind themselves to executable files instead to replicate themselves they uses the network. If you find excessive use of your network bandwidth then you may be infected by a worm. So a worm do not require a user to execute any file for its execution it can work without user intervention.

Trojan Horse :- A trojan horse is harmful program which may seem harmless to the user before its installation but instead it is programmed or reverse engineered to facilitate unauthorised remote access to the computer. Trojan’s do not replicate themselves.

Spyware :- A spyware is a program that secretly monitors and collects pieces of information. They usually run in stealth mode and cannot be detected easily. Keyloggers is a great example of spyware software. There are not limited to just spying but can also send data to remote computers

Now Here I am Providing you with the list of names of most harmful virus and worms in the history of computers

Storm Worm

Leap-A/Oompa- A

Sasser and Netsky

MyDome (Novarg)

SQL Slammer / Sapphire


Code Red and Code Red II

The Klez



How to detect a keylogger in a system

Keylogger is the software program or a hardware which reads and store all the key stroke by a user in the system it is installed.

Having a keylogger in the system means you are going to loose some thing big. If your system is infected by a keylogger, your email id, facebook account, bank account and all other secure data is on the risk. Now a days hackers are active enough and many website offering free software download with keyloggers attached in it. So you need to know how to protect your system from keyloggers. If you want to know how to detect a keyloggers in a system, you can follow these points:

  • Check the task list by press ctrl+alt+del in windows. Examine all the tasks running in your system, if you are unsure about a task look it up on a search engine.

  • Run your antivirus checker, it's possible this will pick up the Keylogger on your system.

  • Use the system configuration utility to determine which task are loaded at start-up (type "msconfig" in the run box to start).

  • Download a specific keylogger detector program, and see if it detects anything.

  • Scan your hard disk for the most recent files stored. Look at the contents of any files continually updating (these might be logs created by antivirus).